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About us




Our mission is to reach the lost, the least, the left out and to reclaim the abandoned through fellowship ministries, evangelism, discipleship, and worship: to reach each soul for Christ, to teach each soul about Christ, to encourage each soul in Christ, and to prepare each soul to meet Christ!

our mission

our vision

What We Believe:

The Bible is our foundation and guide for all beliefs and practices. We draw our foundational beliefs from the Articles of Faith as accepted by most Baptist believers. Our beliefs are spirit led and Bible based as we seek to live a life in faith and practice that speaks to the evidence of our Savior, Jesus Christ, at work in the world.

One True God:

We believe there is one true and living God and accept God as the Creator of all things. God is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal being. God is revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each with distinct qualities but without divisiveness in nature or being.

Jesus Christ:

We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the true Savior of all humanity, Who being sent through God’s grace for the salvation of all humanity is God incarnate. Jesus Christ is the Living Word as recorded in John 1 and was born of a virgin through the conception of the Holy Spirit as recorded in Luke 1.We believe Jesus lived a life without sin. Jesus gave His life for our sin by dying on the cross in order to reconcile humanity back to God as a result of our fallen status with our Creator. We believe Jesus rose from the dead as recorded in the Scriptures with all power, He is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for those who believe in Him. Jesus will return to earth personally and visibly (Matthew 24:36) to establish His Kingdom.

Scripture as the Inspired Word of God:

We believe the Bible was written by people divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and authored by God. It is our foundation and guide for faith and practice, God’s infallible Word, and is a perfect order of heavenly instruction. We believe the Scriptures serve as the ultimate written authority in practices and governance.

A Gospel Church:

We believe the church is the body of Christ and congregation of baptized believers gathered in faith and fellowship of the gospel. The church is charged with reaching, teaching, and preaching to the world for Christ by exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the observation of the ordinances. This body of believers serves God through ministry, evangelism, instruction, and discipleship magnifying and exalting God through worship.

Baptist Ordinances:

We believe in the two Baptist Ordinances: Baptism and Communion.

We believe the ordinance of Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer. It is an outward showing of an inward occurrence declaring that we have been buried in death with Christ and raised into a new life with Him. This ordinance is a beautiful and defining symbol for those that repent, believe, and receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. (Acts 8, Matthew 28, Romans 6)

We believe the ordinance of Holy Communion or The Lord’s Supper is a fellowship meal to commemorate the love of Christ in His suffering and death. It is a symbol of our fellowship with Jesus and unity of believers as we share the broken bread (Body of Christ) and poured fruit of the vine (shed Blood of Christ) in remembrance of Him who gave the ultimate sacrifice for all believers. (I Corinthians 11:26, Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22)

church officers:

deacon board

Willie Shotwell- Chairman
Kenneth Reed Sr.
Lawrence Johnson
Jermaine Quinn

trustee board

Albert Hardaway
Sydney Montgomery

CHurch Secretary

tara mabon.jpg
Dr. Tara Mabon
Hannibal Parks-Chairman
Eastern star missionary baptist church



1334 William Fields Ave

Memphis, TN 38104

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